Arranjado e produzido pela banda Código Genérico, o disco foi gravado no João Neto Studio - Passo Fundo/RS (2003). O trabalho traz novas versões de renomados artistas brasileiros, como Os Tribalistas (Velha Infância), Os Mutantes (Ando meio desligado), O Rappa (A minha alma), Belchior (Como nossos pais) e Cláudio Zoli (Noite de prazer). O grupo era formado por Diego Motta (vocais), Márcio Noal (guitarras), Norton Severo (bateria), Samuel Quadros (teclados) e Douglas Voss (baixo).

Brazilian with Italian ancestry, Marcio started playing guitar at the age of sixteen. He moved to Passo Fundo in 2000, where he studied for two years a Bachelor's Degree in Classical Guitar and a Full Degree in Music at the UPF. In 2001, he created the band Código Genérico and recorded, in 2003 and 2004, the original album Soul Brasileiro and two cover albums. The band rose to fame with the song Inconsciente Zen, regularly played on local radio stations. Berçário Atlântida, one of the biggest music awards in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, named the band among their top five bands in the region of Passo Fundo consecutively for two years.
In 2004, Marcio released his first solo album: Sinestesia, to acclaim. He went on to publish five novels: Jangadas (2016), which was among the ten finalists of the Kindle award, carried out by Amazon (he unfortunately ended up being disqualified for living abroad and for having published the book twelve days before the deadline); Desabitados (2017); Vidas Recorrentes (2018); Desestilhaços (2019); and Diálogos de Uma Realidade Implausível em Mundos Alegóricos Possíveis (2021); and a collection of short stories: Certidão Negativa de Óbito (2017).
In 2014, he produced the short film Barbara: study no. 1, which was shown publicly by the SESC cinema, in São Paulo. In 2017, his poem Apenas was one of the winners of the poetry prize in literature of the region Presidente Prudente, SP. He has been a music teacher for twenty years and since 2015 he resides in Galway, Ireland.