Arranjado e produzido pela banda Código Genérico, o disco foi gravado no João Neto Studio - Passo Fundo/RS (2003). O trabalho traz novas versões de renomados artistas brasileiros, como Os Tribalistas (Velha Infância), Os Mutantes (Ando meio desligado), O Rappa (A minha alma), Belchior (Como nossos pais) e Cláudio Zoli (Noite de prazer). O grupo era formado por Diego Motta (vocais), Márcio Noal (guitarras), Norton Severo (bateria), Samuel Quadros (teclados) e Douglas Voss (baixo).
“Without music life would be a mistake.” (Nietzsche)
While spending three months in Italy in 2020, due to the Covid-19 situation, I coudn't practice with my Fender Stratocaster, a guitar which I truely love. Instead I honed my jazz skills on a Cort guitar I bought in Brazil.
David Gilmor is one of the best guitarists in the world and a huge influence on me. His ideas and his solos are beautiful and awe-inspiring to many guitarists. This particular solo from Pulse live version is one of my favorites.
To fluidly improvise needs more than just learnt tools like scales, arpeggios and patterns and the application of these during the chord progression. Improvisation is a language that has to be spoken constantly.